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    较早以来,昆仑路桥按照国际惯例运行工程施工总承包管理体制,形成了“总部服务控制、项目授权管理、专业施工保障、全员通力合作”的项目管理模式,针对路桥工程施工特点,完善项目经理负责制,形成了内部激励机制,围绕“施工进度、工程质量、安全生产、项目效益”四大指标体系,以“工期确保,产品优良,杜绝重大事故和实现最大效益”为基本要求,分别制订详细的考核指标,对项目部及项目经理实行年度百分考核与竣工项目总考核相结合的绩效考核管理,把公司、项目部和全体员工结为紧密的责任利益共同体,使每项工程目标具体,责任分明,奖惩有据,动力充足,大大提高了履约水平,塑起了“动力昆仑”和“诚信团队”的良好形象。公司先后获得国家方圆认证委员会质量认证中心ISO9001 国际质量体系认证;山东省信誉评级委员会“ AAA 特级信誉企业”:“ AAA 资信企业”;山东省总工会“工人先锋号”;山东省工商行政管理局、山东省企业合同管理协会 “重合同、守信用”单位;威海市“百佳诚信单位”、 “精神文明建设先进单位”、“纳税先进企业”、“劳动关系和谐企业”等荣誉称号。

The company,Kunlun Road&Bridge Engineering Co.,Ltd.,is a first grade qualified company for the contracting of road construction,authorized by the State Ministry of Construction.The company owns the right for abroad road construction contracting directly.It mainly engaged in the higher grade road engineering and construction and at the meantime works for the foundation construction and processing,demolition and removal,earth and stone,water conservancy,hydroelectricity,road maintance and repair.
It owns a registered capital of RMB Yuan 61million,and more than 500 sets of fine construction equipments,including complete sets of asphalt blends, stabilized soil blends,concrete blends,spreading,and larger scale of earth and stone processing machines.As a technical-intensive enterprise,it achieves an annual income for more than RMBYUAN 5.5 billion counting from these engineering works.
The company has 6 specialized branches and 2 subcompanies,the Demolition Company and Road Maintenance Engineering Company.
For years it has got Certificates of ISO9001 for international quality assurance system certification,AAA Super Credit Grade of Shandong Province,AAA Qualification unit of the bank, Enterprise of Honoring Contracts and Keeping Promise of Shandong Province.
The company has achieved great by conducting many higher standard projects,as under:Wei-Lai Road,Dong-Qing Road,Qi-Lai Road,Jing-Fu Road,Bin-Bo Road,Li-Wen Road,Ma-Wu Road,Lin-Hong Road,Ji-De Road,Tong-San Road,Meng-Beng Road,Tai-Qu Road,Qing-Wei Road,Wei-Ru Road,Rong-Wu Road,Xu-Bo Road,Bao-Fu Road,Ha-Deng Road,Ji-Cao Road,Zhang-Hua Road,Da-Guang Road,Jinan citycircle road,Qing-Wei Grade One Road,Long-Dong Road of Yunan Province,Huang-Xin section of state No.206 road,Rushan section of state No.309 road,stripping work of mines in Yunan Xiaolongtan Coal Mining,and pipe laying work of Huangdao Fuel depot.All the projects were valued as excellent works after inspection.
It has built up a managing system of total contracting for construction and engineering according to the international practice,formed a management mode of “the headquarters service control,projects authorized management,specialized engineering guarantee,all members every efforts cooperations”,persues company spirits of “honesty,reputation,unity,hard working”,strictly observes the company aims of “diligence and frugality,hard struggle,striving for realism and innovation,exploring and developing”,persists in the managing policy of “human centered”,conforms to the quality policy and purpose of “law abiding,offering excellence works;honoring contracts,satisfying customers;persistently improvements,aspiring after the line advanced”.We hope,by all the above efforts,plus our serious working style,strict working attitude,precise engineering process,rigorous quality assurance system,we could do our best to offer excellent and efficient services to friends and customers both in the country and abroad.

Keywords: 昆仑路桥 昆仑路桥 山东昆仑路桥 山东昆仑 银滩房地产 银滩房产 长城地产 益天地产